A good year for Nightingales, locally

First I hear a pair at Newbourne Springs, then one at Orwell Country Park

Orwell Country Park, not really classic Nightingale habitat of low scrub


and finally one at Mill Stream Nature reserve

Three separate places with a fair amount of human and dog interference in less than a week.

The BTO doesn’t seem to agree that it’s a good year countrywide – Nightingale reporting seems lower than the historical average

Nightingal reporting seems down accordign to Birdtrack

Nightingale on the heath

My bike ride to work takes me past open fields and for a short stretch over some sandy heathland. I was surprised to hear a nightingale in the distance – I had to stop and listen to the lovely sound

this was recorded using an omni MP3 recorder so it’s not a fantastic species recording, but it captures the moment for me 🙂 The singing males have come all the way from Africa, and they have scouted their territories. They are hoping to call the females down from the sky as they arrive a couple of weeks later. It feels surprisingly early to hear nightingale song at the moment.