Outer wrapping restored about 13:00 to maintain temp

The heap is now dropping below the 66 deg C temperature mark so the outer wrapping was replaced around 1pm. Today is a hot day, the highest September recorded for many years, so the heap has ambient temp on its side.

Temperature against time and date of this compost heap.

Good points and bad points of this heap:

This heap heated up far more successfully than any of our previous heaps! and we look forward to putting some of the matured compost (when it has dropped ambient temperature) under the microscope. We put this sucess down to the pelleted chicken manure pellets mixed into a slurry with water which raised the temperature dramatically!

Outstanding issues:

  • It is possible the fast high burn rate of the early stages has exhausted the material, or that some was pasteurised at 74C?
  • The temperature profile isn’t 100% perfect, but it is certainly very promising.